On Kępa Swarzewska, Władysławowo is located 33 kilometers from Hel. It covers the area from Chałupy through Chłapowo and Rozewo to Karwia. You can also find a seaport in Władysławowo and plenty of water schools.
The city is a town with an extensive tourist infrastructure. The location above the open sea and the Bay of Puck, as well as the nearby Nadmorski Landscape Park is one of the tourist assets. In Władysławowo there are also 5 seaside bathing beaches.
Among the tourist facilities there are: Fisherman's House, Butterfly Museum, Hallerówka - General Haller's Memorial Center and Blue Army, Olympic Cetniewo Center, Sport Stars Avenue, Słonia Łąki Nature Reserve, Lisi Jar, Seaside Landscape Park, Dolina Nature Reserve Chłapowska and the Przylądek Rozewie Nature Reserve.
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