Our trusted marketing partners:

MeetingPlanner.pl portal addressed to representatives of the meetings industry. The mission of the platform is to provide reliable information, implement tools that support the process of organizing events, and initiate activities aimed at integrating the environment. MeetingPlanner.pl is the organizer of MP Power Awards® and Creative Event of the Event Industry, industry match of MP Legia Cup, B2B meetings and study visits like MP MICE Tour®, MP Fast Date® and publisher of publications related to the meetings industry as "Law in events "or" Lexicon of the meetings industry ". We provide comprehensive support for all companies wishing to increase the brand's recognition in the industry by offering online advertising, PR and live marketing services.

Conference portal No. 1 in Poland. On the market for 10 years! The website presents the best facilities for organizing trainings, conferences, events and business meetings in Poland. The portal was chosen the most popular conference service by reports "Conference facilities market in Poland" in the years 2014 - 2017 published by Magazyn Biznes Hotel. Also distinguished as the best-positioned conference portal in Google search by marketingHotelu.pl research.

Naszeszlaki.pl - travel blog created with passion by a group of friends who know each other from the craddle. They visit Poland with great enthusiasm and embark on the world at every possible opportunity, immortalizing the beauty of amazing places on their photographs. Their goal is not only the obvious places well known to every tourist, but also those where people rarely reach. If you love trips, museums, castles, stories from distant lands, practical guides, professional travel photography, or legends from various corners of the world, you've come to the right place.