Aquapark Suwałki

In the city
Contact ul. Papieża Jana Pawła II 7
16-400 Suwałki

tel.: 87 562 62 22
fax.: 87 562 62 34


The Aquapark in Suwałki is the largest sports investment built in our city over the last years.

It is also one of the most modern water sports and recreation complexes in north-eastern Poland. The construction of the facility began in June 2009, and finished on 21/12/2010. The Aquapark is one of the elements of the leisure and entertainment center in Suwałki, which is complemented by the Suwałki Cultural Center and Hotel LOFT 1898 located in the neighborhood.

Suwalki Aquapark has been deprived of architectural barriers at the design stage and is therefore fully accessible to disabled people.

Convenient location, easy access, the mass of parking spaces, as well as the quality of services offered, make the customers of the Aquapark Suwałki not only residents of the city and the region, but also bordering on the Suwałki region of Lithuania or Russia.

In our Aquapark you will find everything for your health, body and soul.

The complex consists of a recreation and sports part. Additionally, a bathhouse and sauna complex was prepared.

The center also has a gastronomy, a conference room, a rehabilitation clinic, a fitness club, hairdressing and cosmetics services, as well as a sports shop.

Immediately next to the Aquapark there is the Municipal Playground, put into service in November 2015, on which there are great attractions for the youngest, a zone for the youth and the senior zone, equipped with innovative sports and recreational equipment. This great investment was created within the framework of the civic budget and thanks to unique attractions, walking paths along the stream is a perfect place for rest for entire families.



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Suwałki, Podlaskie
, 16-400 Suwałki

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